you know..
it's kind of hard for me to go away without taking some pieces of you with me..
i've tried to fill your place but it didn't work.
no one ever fills your place.
it's too big to be filled. there's always some space that is empty.
and the emptiness always takes the bigger half..
you know what?!..
i think i kind of..
miss you.
i don't miss just the lover inside of you..
i kind of miss the person..
the feelings..
the caring.
it's not that i'm not surrounded by much of care. ihave plenty of that.but it's just that with you..it was always different.
you were always -for me- something more beyond of that..
for me you were all that i have of love, friendship, understanding and above all of this.. you were my faith in god.
and untill this moment i can see god's meracles in you.
now you are my raw model.
i don't mind being alone , you know.
i just don't like to feel lonely.
and without you.. i'm always alone. even if the room's crowded with dozens of people i know.. they just fill a little gap from between two bigger spaces in my heart.."your love, and your friendship"
so do it what ever u want..
go away..
get as farther as you want.
just don't take all of me with you..
leave me something that i can live with.
leave me some of your soul.
cause i miss u like hell.
and it sucks.