the truth is i don't know what is wrong with me lately..
I'm being cheerful more than ever..
I'm always smiling.. laughing..trying to have fun and to live my life to the extreme.
something i'm not used to do usually..
my best friend thinks it's because of the shock..
do i look shocked to anyone?!!
i'm just feeling a little happy that's all.
i'm feeling freedom crossing through me.. just pass me by.
is it so wrong for me to be happy..
i mean..
i can be happy.. without being shocked

what the FUCK !!
what does he mean by that?
did he just dump ME !!
or was he just playing STUPID.. and faking GOOD..
"i don't want u to wait 4 me" like he doesn't really want me to suffer..
YEAH right, i belive u ... NOT !!
what did he say again
"i didn't want to hurt u.. by teeling u i don't have feelings 4 u"
WELL, you should of thought about this EARLIER when u FUCKING made me believe u were FUCKIN' IN LOVE with me..
and now look who is the one who got HURT
of course the STUPID girl who is HEAD OVER HEELS 4 someone who doesn't deserve a SHIT !
you know what?
i don't CARE !!
i don't EVEN CARE about someone so FUCKIN' LOW..
you are just PATHETIC..
i pity u cause u wont get to feel the truth about LOVE
u know why..
cause your a fuckin' JURK !
that's why...
i guess i was wrong !
not about you bieng a JURK.. cause belive me i still belive u will never change..
some people never change ,you know.
but i guess i just can't understand what u r
for all what i've had seen from u was just too much for me to take.
i just felt for the first time plain HATRED !!
and now..
looking from where i'm standing right now..
i can tell u i would do anything just to have u back..
and i don't know why..
it looks like life isn't complete that way..
when u r not around..
there is always something missing.
you where everything that i'm not.
and now look where u took me..
u took me to BARGAINING.
i just would do anything to take all those years back..
to be just your friend and nothing more..
to be there for you
and you will be there for me too.
i just can't comprehend right now why can't we take all those years like nothing had happend
as of i never loved you..
but you know..
i just wish..
and not all my wishes come true.
well, what do
you know !!
we all have to reach this point some time.
i think I've accepted the fact that you wont be there for me after all!
i guess I'm shocked !
between you and me, i think i'm OVER YOU !
Yeah, i know.. it feels GREAT!
i mean it was just like a minute ago when u told me u don't love me..
and .. i just don't care.
I'm getting along with my life.
with the fact that i can find somebody else.
infact.. i don't even think about getting in another relationship anytime soon.
i'm more about my courier now.
about my future.. it's all what i'm thinking about now..
i actually feel better.
not that i have anything against your gendre or something ..
i'm still straight if that's what u mean, But i dont think that i'm the type of girl who wants to get married.
i mean all these cheerful occasions and the cheering life.. they are just not me.
i more of a MODERN WOMEN now.
all what's importent for me is what i'll make of my self.
i think i've been changed to someone else, huh ?!
but the thing is..
i'm not angry anymore..
i'm not weak any more..
i think i've become a more realistick person..
and i'm happy of what i've become..
a much stronger women.
but the thing is..
what has been happening very often lately that..
Guys ask me out and i often say yes but it turns to be that they think of me as a potential lover but i don't get the real of it until it's too late and they're already head over heels for me.
so you see. the thing that have been bothering me too much is that
i've become a cold-blooded HEARTBREKER !!
i guess i was wrong !
not about you bieng a JURK.. cause belive me i still belive u will never change..
some people never change ,you know.

but i guess i just can't understand what u r
for all what i've had seen from u was just too much for me to take.
i just felt for the first time plain HATRED !!
and now..
looking from where i'm standing right now..
i can tell u i would do anything just to have u back..
and i don't know why..
it looks like life isn't complete that way..
when u r not around..
there is always something missing.
you where everything that i'm not.
and now look where u took me..
u took me to BARGAINING.
i just would do anything to take all those years back..
to be just your friend and nothing more..
to be there for you
and you will be there for me too.
i just can't comprehend right now why can't we take all those years like nothing had happend
as of i never loved you..
but you know..
i just wish..
and not all my wishes come true.
well, what do

we all have to reach this point some time.
i think I've accepted the fact that you wont be there for me after all!
i guess I'm shocked !
between you and me, i think i'm OVER YOU !
Yeah, i know.. it feels GREAT!
i mean it was just like a minute ago when u told me u don't love me..
and .. i just don't care.
I'm getting along with my life.
with the fact that i can find somebody else.
infact.. i don't even think about getting in another relationship anytime soon.
i'm more about my courier now.
about my future.. it's all what i'm thinking about now..
i actually feel better.
not that i have anything against your gendre or something ..
i'm still straight if that's what u mean, But i dont think that i'm the type of girl who wants to get married.
i mean all these cheerful occasions and the cheering life.. they are just not me.
i more of a MODERN WOMEN now.
all what's importent for me is what i'll make of my self.
i think i've been changed to someone else, huh ?!
but the thing is..
i'm not angry anymore..
i'm not weak any more..
i think i've become a more realistick person..
and i'm happy of what i've become..
a much stronger women.
but the thing is..
what has been happening very often lately that..
Guys ask me out and i often say yes but it turns to be that they think of me as a potential lover but i don't get the real of it until it's too late and they're already head over heels for me.
so you see. the thing that have been bothering me too much is that
i've become a cold-blooded HEARTBREKER !!
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